Wednesday, January 14, 2009

To Tat or not to Tat?

I've been having an inward battle for some time now about whether or not I should get a tatoo. I have always said that I would never because I think they are a little cheesy, for one, and I believe the body is scared, two. But with many recent changes in my beleifs an d thoughts I'm wondering if my aversion to tatoos has to do with my upbringing in a strict christion enviroment. Is it really how I feel or is it what I have been taught to feel. Along with my dress, hairstyles and other daily choices is my choice not to get a tatoo a response to Western influence? I have always admired people that got meanigful tatoos, I would hope that would be most people's aim but unfortunately it is not. So my idea was to get two things that mean very much to me. I am a very spiritual person and try to live my life in a balanced and peaceful way. So for me the OM is very meaningful and woulddeeply impact me if I were to have it as a tatoo. Another consideration of mine are a fw adinra symbols. These symbols are prominant in Ghana, West Africa and hold a lot of meaning to the people there and many people who have learned of them. The most popular of these seems to be the Sankofa, which is understandable, considering the meaning. It is represented as a decorative looking heart or a bird looking behind. Loosely translated it stands for 'go back and fetch it" or look to your past in order to get to your future. This is a very powerful meaning and something we all need to learn in life. These symbols mean alot to me and have alot to do with how I live my day to day life. If I were to have them permanetly etched into my body, it would reaffirm my convictions. So is it my catholic guilt that is affecting me or am I over thinking it? To tat or not to tat?


Ezme said...

I think that u are over thinking!!. The symbols that u have written about are highly significant to you and thats all that matters. I always swore that i would never haver a tat (i'm too in love with piercings) untill i gave birth to my first born. I now have a tattoo of his name on the back of my neck etched above a barcode. When u feel something and it feels right just do it, try not to second guess!!

LADY ROOTS said...

Sistren Safi,

Peaceful greetings from Jamaica. Just wanted to stop by and say thanks for becoming a follower of Voice From Jamaica.

As an elder (I am about 3xs older than you) I would only say that what is meaningful to you today may hold little or no significance later in life.

I have never discussed tatoos with anyone, male or female, in my age group who was happy they were tattooed in their youth. Every one of them regretted it, without exception.

From a scriptural perspective, please read Leviticus 19:28, Ephesians 2:25, Colossians 2:14.

Do not throw away all the lessons of your youth just because some of the teachers of those lessons were flawed human beings.

Your deep spirituality should shine thru your eyes, your smile and your interactions with others, not from an artificial marking of your sacred flesh.

Bless Up,
Lady Roots

Anonymous said...

Go for it!

Anonymous said...

dont do it. they're addictive.
save a picture of whatever you had in your purse/wallet and smile.

MrsWardy88 said...

I'm feeling those tats, love the symbols.